Monday, 20 February 2012

Part 4: Wiring it all together

I know that this is actually three or more separate steps but I didnt actually document it fully, so it is all run together here! Some of the wiring is quite tricky - the valve heater wires are fiddly, as was the input socket wiring. The tone and volume controls were also a bit of a pain. Care is definitely required.

However, the finished internal wiring looks like this:

Not perfect, but the final amp sounds great, with very little hum

Another closeup pic:

Volume and Tone pots, plus input sockets. Simple but very effective.

So thats all the wiring done. The next stage was to test it. Barry from Ampmaker has a very good test procedure for each kit. All the voltages recorded from the various points of the circuit were within the limits, so it was then time to connect it up and test it. Thats the next blog post!

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